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Property Development

GMSquare aims to operate in the future in the property development sector, either with our own funds or in partnership with clients who wish to support us in our venture, just as we maintain our presence in the Venezuelan market with our team there.

After achieving success and expertise in our Management services in Venezuela, we decided to venture into the property development of dwellings, focusing on high-end households. Our results have been excellent economically and in terms of the quality of the finished product, as we have utilized the finest construction materials available. This was well-received by our clients and has contributed to their overall satisfaction.



Property Development

GMSquare aims to operate in the future in the property development sector, either with our own funds or in partnership with clients who wish to support us in our venture, just as we maintain our presence in the Venezuelan market with our team there.

After achieving success and expertise in our Management services in Venezuela, we decided to venture into the property development of dwellings, focusing on high-end households. Our results have been excellent economically and in terms of the quality of the finished product, as we have utilized the finest construction materials available. This was well-received by our clients and has contributed to their overall satisfaction.


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